Instrumental: Solo & Ensemble

Competitions for Piano, Strings, Woodwind, Brass, and Accordion Instruments

Pianist playing music on grand piano

Piano: All competitors are required to perform two contrasting pieces of their own choice.

  • Competition P1 – Under 10
  • Competition P2 – Under 12
  • Competition P3 – Under 14
  • Competition P4 – Under 16
  • Competition P5 – Under 19
  • Competition In6 – Open

  • NOTE: Competitors that have taken part in the age category piano competitions and are of an intermediate standard and above are eligible to compete in the Open Instrumental Competition. (See the Solo Strings, Woodwind, Brass, and Accordion Instruments section for competition details).

Competitiors are advised to comply with copyright guidelines. The Board of Directors of Navan Choral and Instrumental Festival will not accept responsibility for any action taken later by the publishers.

This Open Instrumental Competition takes place on 4th May 2025

All competitors are required to perform two contrasting pieces of their own choice.

  • Competition In1: – Under 12
  • Competition In2: – Under 16 String
  • Competition In3: – Under 16 Brass and Woodwind
  • Competition In4: – Under 19 Strings
  • Competition In5: – Under 19 Brass and Woodwind
  • Competition In6: – Open  (This competition is open to all performers of an advanced standard.) The winner of this competition will be presented with a trophy and €200 bursary.

Competitors are advised to comply with copyright guidelines. The Board of Directors of Navan Choral and Instrumental Festival will not accept responsibility for any action taken later by the publishers. 

The Spirit of these competitions is to give a platform for an ensemble to gain the experience of preforming in public; to hear others preform and  to receive a critique from the adjudicator that will help the ensemble performances going forward. 

All competitors are required to perform two contrasting pieces of their own choice.

Beginner/Junior Ensemble: (Appropriate ability and standard, regardless of competitors age) The winner will be presented with a trophy and a €200 bursary.

Intermediate Ensemble: (Appropriate ability and standard, regardless of competitors age) The winner will be presented with a trophy and a €200 bursary.